Do you feel like you are struggling with writing? Could your writing do with a quick warranty of fitness check? Ever wanted to learn about mechanisms for improving your writing?

Come to one of our two “Engineer your writing” lunchtime workshops*, and get to know your writing inside out, with all its weaknesses, strengths and quirks!

The workshops will introduce you to some useful diagnostic online tools for troubleshooting your writing. Such tools can help you identify any faults in the style and the syntax of your writing. Becoming more aware of these small imperfections are the first step towards improvement.

In our lunchtime workshops, run in conjunction with CLeaR’s “Writing, writing everywhere” initiative for 2017, we will look at and play with some of such tools that could become useful companions in writing.

A free lunch will be provided to keep us going strong.


* The event is open to both students and staff.

Location: Faculty of Engineering, 20 Symonds Street, Building 401, Level 5, Room 511

Date: On September 20, 2017 and October 18, 2017 at 12:00 pm

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