by V Wynne-Jones | Mar 13, 2018 | Resources for teaching writing, Resources for writing
A project which looks at creative writing as inquiry This project’s resources were originally developed for colleagues within the School of Learning, Development and Professional Practice as part of the Faculty of Education and Social Work, as well as postgraduate...
by V Wynne-Jones | Feb 19, 2018 | Resources for teaching writing
A project which looks at writing skills for students of mathematics This project’s resources were originally developed for undergraduate students in MATHS 302 Teaching and Learning Mathematics as well as postgraduate students of mathematics at the University of...
by V Wynne-Jones | Jan 16, 2018 | Resources for teaching writing, Resources for writing
A project encouraging critical writing and creative thinking This project’s resources were originally developed by poet and academic, Paula Morris, for a Stage III undergraduate paper in English, Drama and Writing Studies, English 344: Writing Creative Prose....
by V Wynne-Jones | Jan 16, 2018 | Resources for teaching writing
A resource for inter-disciplinary teaching of sustainability issues The project was developed by Niki Harré, Andrea Mead, Penny Brothers, Manuel Vallee and Joe Fagan – a team of academics from Psychology, Chemistry, Sociology and the school of the Environment at...
by V Wynne-Jones | Jan 16, 2018 | Resources for teaching writing
A resource for the teaching and learning of workplace writing This project’s resources were originally developed for students of History 241/341 Making Sense of the Sixties: The USA 1954-1973, Politics 206/315 The Practice of Politics and History 257/357. The project...